Thursday, July 30, 2009


I just couldn't give up on my quest to create a slightly obscure creature. Simon now has a BFF. Simon was slightly disappointing so I gave up the robot theme and created a monster (hee hee) for my little monster (said with love). Biff was inspired by some scrapbooking paper I have of a stripe-legged monster with pointy teeth. I just finished a shower curtain using the polka dots for a contrast fabric. I thought it paired great with the gray wool felt. Notice that Biff has a heart on his butt showing his softer side. :) He may be a ferocious monster, but there's still love inside.

1 comment:

  1. Biff is awesome! And hmm, I wonder where you got such a great idea to put a heart on his buttinski. That person must be very, very smart. Just sayin'. :o) Simon looks relieved to have someone to play with.
